The main activity of our company is the delivery of heat and warm service water (WSW). We are continuously improving this procedure, so its realisation would be favourable to our customers over a long period of time.

We are committed to rationalisation of heat and WSW consumption, development of conditions favourable to effective adjustability of said consumption, and assistance in creation of the energetic conception of the city of Komárno.

COM-therm - Komárno

Commercial Activities

COM-therm s.r.o. offers the following services:

  • Generation of thermal energy, distribution of thermal energy
  • Generation of electric energy (via use of cogeneration units)
  • Advisory services in the area of thermal power generation
  • Advisory services in the area of biogas use for generation of thermal power and electric energy
  • Lease of apartments and commercial property
  • Services linked with lease
  • Estate management
  • Cleaning and maintenance of public open space, including greenery
  • Maintenance, operation, and repair of energetic devices used for generation and distribution of thermal power
  • Assembly of consumption measuring-and-controlling devices
  • Plumbing and heating system maintenance
  • Data processing
  • Advertising and marketing services


For property owners:

  • Estate management as per contract


For property owners associations:

  • Advisory services
  • Provision of component parts of estate management
  • Maintenance of apartments, solving of emergencies
  • Creation of a system of permanent maintenance and refurbishment
  • Diagnosing of condition of building constructions and technical condition of the interior equipment of dwellings