Address of Service
& Delivery Centre

COM-therm, spol. s r.o.
Palatínova 39
945 01 Komárno

Head Office

COM-therm, spol. s r.o.
Miletičova 55
821 09 Bratislava

Postal address

COM-therm, spol. s r.o.
P. O. BOX 31
820 04 Bratislava 24




Emergency service

0908 617 825
Palatínova 54, Komárno

Telephone and Fax

Technical department
+421 35 770 1430
Thermal power management
+421 35 770 5595
Accounting department
+421 35 770 1428
+421 35 770 5596


Thermal power management
Technical department
(measuring and controlling
of the network)
Technical department
(PC network, telemetry)
Chief master
of heat generation

Contact us

In case of question or consultation need you may contact us via the e-mail addresses above, or through the contact form: