Number: 0065/2025/T
File number: 6299-2024-BA
Bratislava, December 5, 2024
The Regulatory Office for Network Industries, as the competent authority for proceedings pursuant to Section 9, Paragraph 1, Letter b), First Point and Section 9, Paragraph 1, Letter c), First Point in conjunction with Section 5, Paragraph 6, Letter b) of Act No. 250/2012 Coll. on Regulation in Network Industries, as amended, in the matter of amending Decision No. 0183/2023/T dated December 21, 2022, as amended by Decision No. 0419/2023/T dated September 28, 2023, as amended by Decision No. 0172/2024/T dated December 20, 2023, by which the Office approved the maximum price for the production and supply of heat
has decided
pursuant to Section 17, Paragraph 2, Letter d) and Section 14, Paragraphs 11 and 12 of Act No. 250/2012 Coll. on Regulation in Network Industries, as amended, in conjunction with Section 2 of Decree of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries No. 312/2022 Coll., which establishes price regulation in the thermal energy sector, as amended by Decree No. 141/2024 Coll., upon the proposal of the regulated entity, to amend Decision No. 0183/2023/T dated December 21, 2022, as amended by Decision No. 0419/2023/T dated September 28, 2023, as amended by Decision No. 0172/2024/T dated December 20, 2023, for the regulated entity COM-therm, spol. s r. o., Miletičova 55, 821 09 Bratislava, ID No. 36 525 782 for the period from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2027 as follows:
In the operative part of the decision, the existing text is replaced by the following text:
- variable component of the maximum heat price.................................................. 0.1362 €/kWh
- fixed component of the maximum heat price with reasonable profit.................... 290.0910 €/kW
for consumption points in the city of Komárno.
The variable component of the maximum heat price applies to the measured amount of heat at the consumption point. The fixed component of the maximum heat price applies to the regulatory output of the consumer equipment.
The prices indicated are exclusive of value added tax.